Mistakes to avoid when making your eBook

A simple way to establish credibility and attain achievement as an individual is to publish a piece of content that you can call ‘your own.'

Ever since the internet came into being, there has been countless ways in which people have made this means to an end to earning an income. One of these ways has been in the form of publishing eBooks. With the convenience of the many platforms ushered on the worldwide web, eBooks have become very popular, especially among the younger generations.
As a typical writer would do, you would envision the process of publishing a book to be compiling the content, finding suited images, designing a pretty cover and voila-publishing it! As easier the process may seem - for it to have a ‘full on’ effect and for you to reap the benefits of your labor there are a few mistakes to avoid and points to consider. The article below will give you tips on how to publish your very own successful ePublication. 
Keep it Short and Sweet

As we all know, people are looking for convenience in a ‘snap of a second’ and in ‘less than no time.' Therefore, it is important to be on point and precise. Unlike people who read thick novels on paperback, eBook readers are mostly on the lookout for information that they are exactly looking for. An ideal way out in this regard it to publish your content is in a series. Divide your book into portions and have the word count in the range of 1500-6000 characters.
Be Confident About the Topic

All your efforts will be in vain if your eBook does not address important areas in relation to the subject that you are writing on.  Just because it is a trending topic or if it a case that you may think this particular topic will increase your reader base, do not continue with it unless you are an expert on the facts. If you think that you want substantial data to prove a point conduct surveys on social media or talk to a colleague or someone trusted on the area you want to clarify.
Proofread and Edit

After you've compiled your book, the next phase is to give it to a proofreader that can set you up on the standards. An essential component of any book is to make sure that it is value for money. Therefore, if it requires a professional proofreader to get the job done, it is recommended that you invest in this service. You may also be filled in with the points you may have missed and maybe also get a brushing up on the points you have put across.
Plan Ahead

Any successful project would have seen its completion according to a plan. Draw up a timeline for your eBook and see that every phase of it is in line with the stipulated timeframe.  Define a date and ensure you meet that deadline. Not only would it be an achievement in terms of the project itself but it will give you a confidence boost that you can be a punctual individual. In the same way, a timeline is a guideline. Be realistic and ensure that your work can be set in pace so that you are not rushed and able to deliver the right content at the right time.
Give it Social Media Exposure

Social media is a fine tool to test the waters on how successful your publication can be. As a post-launch strategy, you may incorporate this medium to give your publication the necessary exposure to reach the targeted audience. As a marketing strategy if you have a blog of your own you may compile content on the launch of your eBook and then have the link promoted on your FaceBook and Twitter accounts and see how your audience responds to the topic at first.
Design Detail

They say that it’s not right to judge a book by it’s cover. However, unfortunately, it’s human instinct to go by the first appearance. Therefore, the first impression is lasting one, and it counts. The cover of you eBook is a marketing tool in itself. If you are not a person with a flair for art, you may want to hire a professional designer that will help you create a design that will get your audience captivated by the first look of it. Design is a strong visual cover that will be the essence of the message you are trying to convey. 
Unreasonable Pricing

People are used to paying lesser amounts for eBooks.  As first mentioned your eBook should not be lengthy. To be fair by what is on offer the pricing should also be set at an affordable and reasonable range. A suggestion would be; is to initially give away a few copies free of charge just to get your publication around with ‘word of mouth ‘promotion. You can also have bundle offers and discounted rates, as means to attract your audience and to get a few books off the shelf. Once the buzz and hype have been created among your audience, this would pave the way for you to start making profit.
Publishing and Launching

Last but not least and the most integral stage of your eBook is to get is published. You may go with the option of self-publishing, and you may also look for publishers that can assist you with the process of getting your piece of work recognized and pitching it right to your audience. For the launch of your book get assistance of social media. An email list of your friends and counterparts can also be essential means for distribution of your piece of work.
The first eBook of yours may not seem it’s best but always remember practice can make you perfect. eBooks can do a whole lot of good like increasing exposure to your brand, takes relatively less of a time frame than publishing a paperback book, and it also helps you increase revenue if the right strategies are in place. Taking the tips above into consideration, set yourself on a journey to create your very own piece of e-content to the best of your ability.


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