Tailoring courses for the new generation of adult learners
Adults are learning the hard way that life’s challenges do not stop with completing college.
No sooner the freshman graduates from college, possibly half of what he learned as a freshman may have become obsolete! No longer can he expect a lifelong career with only the security of a college degree behind him. The adult of the new generation is now well aware of the necessity of lifelong learning - vital in critical services such as medicine and food safety, and imperative in other services such as engineering and commercial services. It could also be challenging and exciting for arts, crafts, languages, computer, motor, literature, music, photography, counseling, personal development – the list is insightful, stimulating and unending. How would you see yourself? A close assessment would reveal that you are definitely in need of adult learning in some sphere or other irrespective of age or educational background. The only question is – how do you see yourself? How do you put value plus excitement into your life?
There are choices aplenty. Along with the range of options comes a range of adult colleges that ensure learning is tailored to individual needs and skills. With a repertoire of courses that offer support and guidance at levels to suit individuals seeking to enhance their personal development or companies that seek to improve their workforce potential, there is no need to ponder over logistics anymore. It is out in the open, and furthermore, being availed by a huge percentage of the knowing population.
Here are some of the questions an adult learner might seek answers for:
Let’s assume a busy individual cannot afford the time to embark on a full-time adult tailoring course on any topic, and that busy individual is you. Do you then dismiss the idea and plod on while others stream past you, refining themselves to provide value to their employers and themselves? Not necessarily! One option is the virtual classroom at a time that suits you! Virtual classrooms are not monotonous, one-way dialogues but are shared and interactive, networking participants from diverse locations. They allow deep discussion and one-to-one interaction. Participants share experiences of their current jobs, past experiences and their expectations of the course. Imagine yourself in a virtual classroom where your name is called out and you are expected to respond in a classroom atmosphere in the quiet of your own space, free from the hassle of commuting, with the options of recording your sessions for playback, reinforcing the learning experiences. That, in a nutshell, is the virtual classroom.
Joining a weekend class is another option, one that most individuals are familiar with. Asking yourself a few question can put things in their right perspective: is this going to be a useful activity, in what way, how is it connected to my career, should I seek a short-term course, can I be motivated enough to sustain a longer course, can I work at my pace and direction, will I be successful.. (quake)??
Most adults would not bother with an activity that appears difficult, and that rests on the motivational tricks of the trainer. We know of an “idiot” who to her own surprise found a fairly challenging course getting more interesting, absorbing and enjoying her new found retention power, simply because of the instructor. No – she did not adore the instructor, the modes of presentation were novel and presented simply in spite of the intricacy of the subject. Here’s how:
The learning was targeted at adults who would not normally participation in training;
It was a collaborative course involving traditional providers, community-based organizations, local authorities and professionally qualified trainers;
The carrot dangled in front was the opportunity to learn a new skill or enhance the existing one to improve confidence and leadership abilities;
Personal empowerment, personal responsibility, personal well-being and social inclusion were guaranteed (depending on the level of commitment of the learner);
Positive interaction with people from wide and varied backgrounds was included in the training
The mode of imparting learning was welcoming and relaxing
Here’s what the organization did that made a turnaround from possible negative mindsets of more than one person, to the enervated positive mindset. By the way, the “idiot” in question exceeded her expectations.
Assessed the need for provision of adult guidance and education among its staff;
Realized such a need existed;
Structured its program for trainers and workers
Ensured quality of the program through evaluations and referrals
Costing was acceptable. Costing is one of the biggest deterrents, but with acceptable costing in relation to long-term returns, the company was assured of value for money, which included staff retention.
There is no questioning it – adult learning courses, online or otherwise, help you to strengthen existing skills, develop new ones or simply enjoy a new hobby or pastime. BQU offers customized services and solutions in areas of business analysis, web and applications design and development, SEO and online marketing support which help clients transmit their message with powerful emphasis. As BQU CEO Jacques Cock said – in today’s environment, “acceptable standard” is no longer good enough.
Created : June 30th 2016