An introduction to student engagement in the UK

The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) in the UK, defines student engagement as “involving and empowering students in the process of shaping the student learning experience.”
In the past it was referred to as the degree that which students were involved in activities like class attendance, assignment submissions, and class participations like engaging with the lecturer. Today is has more reference to how far students are welcomed by the industry to contribute their time and thoughts into building a better learning environment, design of syllabus, classroom management, etc.
Often student engagement is received through continuous discussions and research led projects with students and institutes.
Organisations such as The National Union of Students (NUS) have initiated programs for this purpose and they have prepared a “student engagement toolkit” which is meant to encourage institutions to engage on the subject to build the processes within their systems. The NUS case studies further detail examples of how they monitor quality, assess learning and evaluate student feedback on modules based on different University experiences.
They highlight three key areas worked on in student engagement;
- Getting feedback from students on their learning experience
- Involving students in curriculum design
- Appointing student representatives
There have been several reports in the UK education recently that students feel they are not getting the best quality from their education institute. Some of these points were highlighted in our previous blog about ensuring quality in expanding higher education.
It is now important for institutes to stay in touch with students and get them involved in the building of their systems and processes, with a long term goal of making their learning experience better.
Some tips for increasing student engagement from an institutes point of view include;
- Having a clear communication policy for student feedback
- Clearing detailing student attendance management policies and other procedures
- Meeting student expectations as much as possible
- Working with students as partners for development of curriculum and learning and experience
- Keeping financial information transparent for students
- Acknowledging the diverse views and needs of students
- Encouraging student unions and groups, particularly for foreign students or students who are new to the University system
Timely communication and transparency is a factor that can contribute to increasing the quality of learning in an institute, a good student attendance management systems can help to encourage student engagement through timely communication two way communications, and through streamlining attendance procedures.
A good Attendance Management Policy supported by a good Student Attendance Management System can deliver the following benefits to Students and their institution:
- Improved Student Attendance and engagement
- Improved communications with students and staff
- Reductions in operational costs
- Improved staff morale
- Improved student attainment
- Health & Safety, Duty of Care
- Improved student retention
- Improved revenues
- Improved institutional reputation
- Increased demand from new students
- Tier 4 Compliance
If you are interested to learn more about how effective student attendance management can encourage easier communication with students, get in touch with us or click below to learn more.