Digital reading: The advantages of eBooks

Digital reading: The advantages of eBooks

eBooks have been around for a few years now, and their popularity is undoubtedly increasing.  

According to Amazon, eBook sales have exponentially increased compared to printed books. For those few of you out there who are unfamiliar with the concept of eBooks, they are essentially a book in electronic format. It can be downloaded to any electronic reading device, such as laptops, smartphones, PCs, PDAs - you name it. eBooks are exactly similar in format and content to traditional books, only without the extra weight. Many people out there are ecstatic about eBooks, and even though they have been around only for few years, people increasingly depend on them. If you haven’t jumped on board of the eBook craze train, and are wondering what all the fuss is about, here are some advantages of ebooks that might change your mind.


eBooks save your spaceConvenience is possibly the most sought after characteristic that eBooks offer. People can carry all of their favourite books with them at all times with instant accessibility. If you are waiting for the bus and want to read something other than your facebook newsfeed or the street hoardings, you can simply access your own library and take your pick. eBooks are also great for saving valuable space for those who travel a lot or live in small places that do not have room to accommodate a ‘to read’ pile of books.


eBooks are generally cheaper than their printed version, and there are plenty of eBooks out there that can be downloaded for free, and if you are a bookworm, that is pretty good news. eBook readers are fairly inexpensive nowadays, and even though it can be somewhat of a considerable initial investment, the benefits that it offers are definitely worth it in the long run. If you are environmentally conscious, eBooks are a great option for you as they are green, saving paper, therefore saving trees.

AccessibilityeBooks offer great accessibility

eBooks offer great accessibility, in that their font can be adjusted depending on your requirements. If your vision is not that great, just increase the font size and continue enjoying reading. You can also change the darkness of the lettering to suit your reading needs best. Majority of eBook readers out there come with a text to speech option, which allows even those who have difficulty reading to enjoy a great book.


eBooks are faster than printed booksDon’t you really hate it when you order a book online and you have to wait for days before it's delivered and you can finally start reading it? Well, with eBook you won't have to wait any longer; when you purchase your desired book it will instantly be download to your device. In addition to this, you can also instantly buy any book you want at any time of the day without leaving the comfort of your home or changing into presentable clothing.

These are only few advantages that eBooks offer, and if this list has not changed your mind, I suggest you try reading one for yourself, and you will see how amazing these little electronic wonders are! 


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